Services Service Price
Overview Illumina sequencing Sample preparation Bioanalyzer Qubit 3.0 fluorometer Bioinformatics Service Price
Your total cost of next generation sequencing is calculated according to the workflow and your application.
1. Library preparation 2. Sample & library quantification 3. Illumina sequencing
4. Bioinformatics analyses Please see…
For Illumina sequencing cost per sample, price may vary depending on your application and number of pooled sample in a sequencing run. To save your cost, we could wait until we reach maxing number of samples loading per run. For example, for 16S amplicon sequencing application, we can pool up to 96 samples per run; however, if you only have 20 samples we would hold your samples and combine them with others. Otherwise, if you wish to proceed the run immediately we can do it with fully cost per run charged.
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